General Donations
Donations help us maintain our recurring programs like Support Groups, Counseling, and organizing education opportunities for the community.
Thinking of donating $20? Consider making a $5 recurring monthly donation. A more sustainable donation ensures that your generosity will be felt year-round.
Stonewall Alliance QTPOC Direct Aid Fund provides assistance to folks in the North State who have been most impacted by institutional violence and racism including those who are Black, Brown, Indigenous, trans, non-binary, undocumented, Two-Spirit, asylum-seeking, undocumented, and disabled.
Adopt a binder
Support gender euphoria! Help fund a binder! We launched the Adopt a Binder Program in 2024 to continue to provide binders for folks at no cost.
Bonus!: If you purchase 2 or more binders for a community member, Stonewall will give you a free 2024 Stonewall Chico Pride tee!
Office & Library Wish List
This Amazon wish list features office supplies, books for our library, and other small purchases to help out around the office.