Unfamiliar With a Term?
That’s okay! Here is an alphabetical list of commonly used terms on our website. We encourage visitors to learn and be accepting of others, no matter what identity or background they have.
Let’s start off with our acronym:
LGBTQIA2S+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Aromantic, and/or Two-Spirit individuals, and the “plus” refers to the many more diverse and expansive ways people identify their gender and sexuality. See below for a definition of each identity mentioned.
Accompliceship- A step beyond allyship. In social justice circles, the word “accomplice” is used in contrast with “ally” to emphasize the importance of standing “with” instead of “for” marginalized communities. Accomplices go a step further by using their privilege to actively work towards dismantling structures and systems of oppression to create equity. The word aims to stimulate critical thought around privilege while engaging in social justice work. An accomplice is willing to give up power in order to stand up for those facing marginalization.
AFAB - Assigned Female At Birth - used to refer to a sex assigned to a person when they are born, based on a healthcare practitioner’s assessment of a person’s anatomical characteristics
Allyship - The action of working with, holding space for, advocating for, and supporting members of a community other than one’s own
AMAB - Assigned Male At Birth - used to refer to a sex assigned to a person when they are born, based on a healthcare practitioner’s assessment of a person’s anatomical characteristics
Androgynous - An identity or presentation which is not perceived as either masculine or feminine.
Aromantic - Also referred to as “aro.” A person does not experience romantic attraction to others.
Asexual – A sexual orientation generally characterized by not feeling sexual attraction or a desire for partnered sexuality. Asexuality is distinct from celibacy, which is the deliberate abstention from sexual activity. There are many diverse ways of being asexual and may include sex, and often includes romantic relationships. Also referred to as “ace.”
Bias- Prejudice; an inclination or preference, especially one that interferes with impartial judgment.
Bisexuality - A person who is attracted to multiple sexes and/or genders, but not necessarily simultaneously or equally. This attraction may be to their own gender and others, or a variation of attraction to multiple genders. People may experience this attraction in differing ways and degrees over their lifetime. Also referred to as “bi.”
Biphobia - Intolerance of bisexual identity, both within the heterosexual and LGBTQ communities. Can be expressed as a range of negative attitudes that can also include intolerance, erasure, and discomfort
BlaQ/BlaQueer - Folks of Black/African descent who recognize their queerness/LGBTQIA2S+ identity as a salient identity attached to their Blackness and vice versa
Body Policing - any behavior which indirectly or directly attempts to correct or control a person’s actions regarding their own physical body, frequently with regards to gender expression, size, and medical decisions
Bullying - Simply defined, bullying means to treat someone abusively. The harm, or threats to harm, can target a student’s physical, social, or emotional well-being. Can be written, including via electronic communication, verbal, or physical conduct. May limit a student’s ability to participate in, or benefit from, a program or activity of a public school or local educational agency; or create a hostile or abusive educational environment, adversely affecting a student’s education, including acts of verbal, nonverbal, or physical aggression or intimidation. Also includes conduct that targets a student because of a characteristic of a friend, family member, or other person or group with whom a student associates.
Butch - historically, a lesbian whose appearance, behaviors, and roles are socially considered masculine. As the term has evolved, it is not limited to lesbians and might apply to masculine-presenting people who are attracted to people of a range of other gender identities or sexualities.
Cisgender - a gender identity where an individual’s experiences of their own gender matches the sex they were assigned at birth.
Cissexism - The belief that there are, and should be, only two genders and being cisgender is superior to all other genders. A system of oppression that discriminates based on whether one’s gender identity matches the “sex” they were assigned at birth
Coming Out - The ongoing process of sharing one’s sexual orientation or gender identity with others.
Demisexual - One who does not experience sexual attraction until a strong emotional connection has been formed.
Demigender - (e.g. demigirl, demiboy, demifluid) describes the gender identity of someone who partly identifies with a gender identity
Domestic partner/partner - One who lives with their beloved and/or is emotionally and financially connected in a supportive manner with another. Another word for spouse, lover, significant other, etc.
Drag - The act of dressing in gendered clothing as performance. Drag is often performed as a political comment on gender, as parody, or simply as entertainment. Drag performance does not indicate sexuality, gender identity, or sex identity.
Drag King/Drag Queen: Performers who wear the clothing of another gender, often involving the presentation of exaggerated, stereotypical gender characteristics. Individuals may identify as drag kings (female in drag) or drag queens (male in drag) when performing gender as parody, art or entertainment.
Dyke - Historically used by straight people as a slur for masculine-presenting or androgynous women, often butch lesbians. The term is being reclaimed by queer women and lesbians but should not be used by others.
ENBY - Pronounced “N.B.” An abbreviation for non-binary. Enby was adopted by the non-binary community instead of the two letters “NB” to ensure the community was not appropriating language used by the black community to describe non-black (NB) people of color
F2M or FTM - Stands for female-to-male. An older term used to describe an individual who is transitioning or has transitioned from female to male. In other words, a transgender man.
Gay - Synonymous with same-sex attraction. Primarily defines men who are attracted to men, though many women who are attracted to the same sex also identify as gay.
Gender Affirming Surgery - A variety of surgical procedures that change the body to better align with one’s gender identity and expression. May be referred to as gender reassignment/gender confirmation, or, in some medical literature, as sex reassignment surgery.
Gender Identity - A socially constructed system of classification that ascribes qualities of masculinity and femininity to people. Societal definitions of gender can change over time and are different between cultures. Gender is the way a person sees themselves. Words that refer to gender include: man, woman, transgender, nonbinary, queer, etc. Gender is fundamentally different than sex/sex-assigned-at-birth
Gender Binary - The belief that human gender only exists as male and female, and that individuals must be strictly gendered as either/or.
Gender Dysphoria - Used to describe experiences of discomfort, distress, or discrepancy between one’s gender identity and their sex-assigned-at-birth, body, and prescribed gender role. The term used for a condition by the American Psychiatric Association when an individual does not feel that their sex assigned at birth is congruent with their gender identity. This terminology has been changed from Gender Identity Disorder in the DSM-IV in order to reduce stigma.
Gender Expression -Gender expression refers to external characteristics and behaviors that are socially defined as either masculine or feminine, such as dress, grooming, mannerisms, speech patterns, and social interactions. Social or cultural norms can vary widely and some characteristics that may be accepted as masculine, feminine, or neutral in one culture may not be assessed similarly in another.
Gender Identity - The term “gender identity”—distinct from the term “sexual orientation”—refers to a person’s innate, deeply felt psychological identification of gender, which may or may not correspond to the person’s sex assigned at birth (the sex originally listed on a person’s birth certificate).
Gender-inclusive - Language, actions, spaces, and relationships that include and recognize all genders and are not gender-specific/exclusive—e.g. “spouse” and “partner” instead of “husband/boyfriend” “wife/girlfriend,” or “folks,” “everyone,” or “people” instead of “Guys/Gals”
Gender non-conforming/gender variant/gender queer - Someone whose identity and expression of gender does not ascribe to the gender binary, or, rather, traditional male/female expressions.
Gender role - Norms regarding how individuals should behave or perform, expecting people to have personality characteristics and/or act a certain way based on their sex/gender identity.
Greysexual - On the spectrum between sexual and asexual, graysexuality sits in between. A graysexual person is one who experiences sexual attraction rarely and in specific circumstances.
Heterosexual/Straight - Someone who experiences attraction towards those of the “opposite” gender.
Heterosexism - A system of biases, attitudes, assumptions, and discrimination which favors heterosexuality and heterosexual relationships that is expressed both through institutional policies and interpersonal actions. The belief that heterosexuality is not only normative, but superior to other sexual orientations.
Homosexuality - Outdated/pathologized term. Sexual, emotional, and/or romantic attraction to the same/similar gender. Considered to be a clinical, pathologizing word for individuals who experience attraction toward those of the same sex. Not commonly used as a term of self-identification by lesbian or gay people.
Homophobia - The intolerance, discrimination, fear, hatred, harassment, and violence towards lesbian, gay, queer, pansexual, bisexual, Trans, all those who identify (or appear to identify) outside of cisgender and heterosexual. Describes personal/individual, institutional, and cultural forms of oppression.
In The Closet - Refers to someone who will not or cannot disclose their true sexual orientation or gender identity.
Intersex - Someone born with male, female, or non-gender-specific genitalia. May identify as any gender. Intersex is an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of natural bodily variations. In some cases, intersex traits are visible at birth while in others, they are not apparent until puberty or may not be physically apparent at all. Incorrectly called “hermaphrodite.”
Intersectionality - A term coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw to describe the way that multiple systems of oppression interact in the lives of those with multiple marginalized identities.
Kink - A term often used to describe sexual practices that go outside of traditional conventions. Going further, many in the kink community view the term as an identity and orientation—one that is immutable and fixed from within—rather than a practice or behavior.
Latinx - A gender-neutral term to refer to someone of any genders (including nonbinary and Trans people) with Latin American ancestry, culture, or origin. The use of an “x” can be found throughout the Spanish language as a replacement for the gendered “a” or “o” in an attempt to create more gender-inclusive language in Spanish.
Lesbian - A woman attracted to a woman.
LGBTQ - Abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer.
Misgendering - Attributing a gender to someone that is incorrect/does not align with their gender identity. Can occur when using pronouns, gendered language (i.e. “Hello ladies!”Hey guys”), or assigning genders to people without knowing how they identify (i.e. “Well, since we’re all women in this room, we understand…”).
M2F or MTF - Stands for male-to-female. This term describes an individual who is transitioning or has transitioned from male to female. In other words, a transgender woman.
Non-Binary - a gender identity which falls outside of the gender binary, meaning an individual does not identify as strictly female or male. A non-binary person can identify as both or neither male and female, or sometimes one or the other. There are several other terms used to describe gender identities outside of the male and female binary such as genderqueer, gender non- conforming, agender, and bigender. Though these terms have slightly different meanings, they refer to an experience of gender outside of the binary
Pansexual - A person who is attracted to others based on who they are as a person, regardless of their sex or gender identity. The term pansexuality aims to reject the gender binary.
Passing - A term used by the transgender community to refer to a transgender person who is seen outwardly as the gender they with which they identify. Furthermore, passing refers to a trans person’s ability to not be seen as transgender.
Power - The ability to decide who will have access to resources; the capacity to direct or influence the behavior of oneself, others, and/or the course of events.
Privilege - An unearned advantage, immunity, permission, right or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, group, class, race, gender, sexuality.
Pronouns- (he/she/they/ze etc.) linguistic tools to refer to someone in the third person. The pronouns that you use can only be decided by you, and the only way to know a person’s pronouns is if you ask. If you do not know someone’s pronouns and cannot ask them, using they/them is generally considered safe to use.
Polyamory - A form of consensual non-monogamy. The practice of having more than one romantic or sexual partner simultaneously.
QTPOC - Queer/Trans Person of Color
Queer – can be used to refer to any sexuality and/or gender identity that is not straight and/or cisgender. It may mean something different to each person who uses the term, and sometimes used as an umbrella term to refer to all people within the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Defined as: subverting social expectations of gender and/or sexual identity. Also used as a political statement by a lot of people within the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Historically a derogatory term used to demean LGBTQ people, the term queer has been reclaimed by many but can be considered offensive to some. Let someone identify the label they like best, and reflect that language back to them.
Questioning - Someone may identify as questioning if they are unsure/exploring their sexual and/or gender identity. This may be a permanent, temporary, or reoccurring identity.
Sex-Assigned-At-Birth- an assignment given to a person based on their anatomical characteristics at birth (external genitalia, internal reproductive system etc.). Sex terms are male, female, and intersex. Occasionally, AFAB (Assigned Female at Birth) and AMAB (Assigned Male at Birth)
Sexual Orientation - The deep-seated direction of one's attraction whether it be sexual, emotional and/or romantic. Sometimes referred to as affection, orientation or sexuality. Sexual orientation evolves through a multistage developmental process that may change over time, and is not a set of absolute categories.
Stereotype - An exaggerated, oversimplified belief about an entire group of people without regard for individual differences.
Transgender – Transgender (sometimes shortened to trans or TG) people are those whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth. Transgender is not a sexual orientation. While some people may fit under this definition of Transgender, they may not self-identify as such. This term may have a different definition for each individual who uses it and can include two-spirit, nonbinary, androgynes, gender-benders, intersex individuals, gender queer, gender non-conforming, gender subversive, gender fluid folks, and more. Occasionally, you may here MTF ( Male to Female) identified person or FTM (Female to Male) identified person.
Transfeminne - An AMAB individual who identifies with femininity more than masculinity, and may take steps to transition (taking hormones, gender affirmation surgery, etc.) but may not wish strictly identify as female.
Transmasculine - An AFAB individual who identifies with masculinity more than femininity, and may take steps to transition (taking hormones, gender affirmation surgery, etc.) but may not wish strictly identify as male.
Transitioning - The term “transitioning” refers to the process through which a person modifies their physical characteristics or manner of gender expression to align with their gender identity. This transition may include hormone therapy, gender affirming surgery, or other procedures and is generally conducted under medical supervision based on a set of standards developed by medical professionals.
Transphobia - Irrational fear of, discrimination against, or intolerance of trans*/transgender people, the transgender community, or gender ambiguity generally.
Two-Spirit- A term chosen to distinctly express Native/First Nations gender identity and gender variance, in addition to replacing the otherwise imposed and non-Native terms. Most Indigenous communities have specific terms in their own languages for the gender-variant members of their communities, and genders vary from tribe to tribe. Two Spirt predates modern LGBTQ terminology. Two Spirit individuals possess both a masculine and feminine spirit. Only those in Native communities should use this term to identify themselves.
Ze/Zir or They/Them- Gender neutral pronouns that can be used instead of he/she or his/her. There are a number of pronouns that folks may use - just ask!
Terms to Avoid
Transgendered (v.), Transgenders (n.), or a Transgender (n.)
Always use the word “transgender” as an adjective, not a noun.
Sexual Preference or Lifestyle Choice
The terms “sexual preference” and “lifestyle choice” suggest that lesbian, gay, or bisexual people have the ability to choose their sexual orientation or gender identity. Historically, anti-LGBTQ groups have used these terms to imply that LGBTQ characteristics are chosen characteristics, and, thus, can be “cured.”
Gays or Gay
Gay should be used as an adjective, not a noun.
“Homosexual” is an outdated clinical term often used by anti-gay extremists to insinuate that being a gay or lesbian person is a disease or illness. LGBT+ individuals use a variety of different terms to self-identify. The best course of action is to listen to how the individual self-identifies and use that term.
Biologically Male/Biologically Female/Genetically Male/Genetically Female/Born a Man/Born a Woman
These terms over simplify a very complex subject. A person’s sex and gender are determined by a variety of factors – not simply genetics. On the rare occasion that it’s necessary to refer to an individual’s gender history, many transgender people prefer a phrase similar to “… assigned male/female at birth but is a woman/man”.
Sex Change or Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS)
Referring to a “sex‐change operation” or using terms such as “pre‐operative” or “post‐ operative” inaccurately suggests that one must have surgery in order to transition. Many transgender people do not undergo surgery for a variety of very personal and private reasons. It is considered extremely inappropriate to ask a transgender person about what surgical or other medical procedures they may or may not have undergone. The phrase, Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS), is an older term which refers to doctor‐supervised surgical interventions, and is only one small part of transition for some. When there is the need to discuss surgery, many prefer the term “gender confirming surgery” or “gender affirming surgery”.
Sexual Preference
The term “sexual preference” is often used to suggest that being lesbian, gay or bisexual is a choice. “Sexual Orientation” is the accurate description of an individual's physical, romantic and/or emotional attraction to another person of the same and/or opposite sex.
“You guys” or “you gals” or other gender specific language
Using “you guys” or other gender specific language can alienate those in the office who do not identify with that particular gender. Try using gender-neutral language to ensure all individuals feel included.
Defamatory Language
It should go without saying that there are a number of words that the majority of the LGBTQ community find hurtful and offensive. Individuals should demonstrate respect and humanity towards the LGBTQ community and refrain from using defamatory language.